Mood word clustering survey

Thank you for your participation in this experiment on mood term categorisation.


You will be presented with a list of mood terms and mood-eliciting situations. Your task will be to organise the terms into categories. It will be up to you to define the number of categories you consider most appropriate in the range between 2 to 15. Each category should gather mood terms sharing specific characteristics based on musical, social and cultural factors, or other factors you find appropriate.

Please try to be objective in your assignments.

The terms will be appearing on the left hand side of the screen. Please create new categories as needed and drag the terms in one of the boxes. To refine your selection, it is possible to move mood terms from one category to another after you first dragged them. Please name each category with an appropriate term. This could be the most comprehensive mood term in each category. Please double check your categories at the end before clicking "Finish Sorting".

If you have any questions about the experiment, feel free to contact us (see emails given below).

The experiment is conducted as part of a collaboration between the Centre for Digital Music at Queen Mary University of London and the Image and Signal Processing Group (ISPG), Politechnico di Milano.

György Fazekas (,
Massimiliano Zanoni (,
Mathieu Barthet (

Getting started

Please first fill in the form below.

Once finished please submit the form and then click the button Start Mood Word Clustering Study to start the mood word clustering experiment. (Please click both buttons once.)

Please fill in the form and click the above button first, then click Start Mood Word Clustering Study and provide the same name you entered above. (Please click both buttons once.)

Thank you for your participation.